Guaifenesin for Fibromyalgia
            - Fibromyalgia Treatment Review Guide
Fibromyalgia Treatment
FMS/CFS Reviews

Guaifenesin Protocol for Fibromyalgia

Guaifenesin (Using No Protocol) for Fibromyalgia

Guaifenesin is an over-the-counter drug that is an expectorant used to eliminate phlegm.
Tell us your experiences with the Guaifenisin (Using No Protocol) as a Fibromyalgia treatment. Rate the treatment below.

Treatment Ratings for FMS Symptoms
Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 1.00 1.00
Myofasical Trigger Point Pain Relief 1.00 1.00
More Energy / Mental Clarity 1.75 1.75
Better Sleep 1.00 1.00
No Side Effects 7.75 7.75
Convenience 4.00 4.00
Cost/Benefit 1.25 1.25
Depression Relief 1.00 1.00
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   1.00 1.00
Genitourinary Problem Relief 1.00 1.00
Skin Problem Relief 1.00 1.00
Hyopoglycemia Relief 1.00 1.00

Based on 4 rating(s) & review(s).


Displaying 1-4 of 4 ratings and reviews.

Guaifenesin   06/14/08
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
I have been on and then off and then back on guaifenesin for several years and I also go back to guaifenesin because before Mucinex became available, there was a previous guaifenesin by presciption only that really helped my fibromyalgia. But Mucinex does not help... plus it is expensive. I do find that occasionally, Robitussion brands of guaifenesin help more so that doing nothing.

Treatment Time Frame: 5 Years
Treatment Frequency: When Needed
Dosage: 20 mg

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
More Energy / Mental Clarity 4.00 4
Better Sleep 1.00 1
No Side Effects 9.00 9
Convenience 5.00 5
Cost/Benefit 2.00 2
Depression Relief 1.00 1
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   n/a n/a
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief 1.00 1
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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worste treatment for fmsi have ever tried for over   11/17/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
This treatment is really horrible and hard to do one on the worst things i have ever used for fms/cfs i used for many years without any help from it - I was worse after than before - there are now much better things to use i thing for fms/cfs than guaifenesin. It is a cruel hard treatment. I´m much better off using another treatment no guaifenesin.

Treatment Time Frame: 2.5 Years
Treatment Frequency: Tried it Over 5 Times
Dosage: 350 mg

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
More Energy / Mental Clarity 1.00 1
Better Sleep 1.00 1
No Side Effects 2.00 2
Convenience 2.00 2
Cost/Benefit 1.00 1
Depression Relief 1.00 1
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   n/a n/a
Genitourinary Problem Relief n/a n/a
Skin Problem Relief 1.00 1
Hypoglycemia Relief n/a n/a

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my opioion   08/23/06
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
treatment is useless

Treatment Time Frame: Over 5 Years
Treatment Frequency: 4 Times Per Day
Dosage: 80 mg

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
More Energy / Mental Clarity 1.00 1
Better Sleep 1.00 1
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 1.00 1
Cost/Benefit 1.00 1
Depression Relief n/a n/a
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   n/a n/a
Genitourinary Problem Relief 1.00 1
Skin Problem Relief n/a n/a
Hypoglycemia Relief 1.00 1

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Guiafenisin   08/23/05
Reviewed by:     Location Not Given
Did absolutely NOTHING for me. Total waste of time and money.

Treatment Time Frame: 8 Months
Treatment Frequency: 2 Times Per Day
Dosage: Long Ago - Don't Remember

Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief 1.00 1
More Energy / Mental Clarity 1.00 1
Better Sleep 1.00 1
No Side Effects 10.00 10
Convenience 8.00 8
Cost/Benefit 1.00 1
Depression Relief 1.00 1
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief   1.00 1
Genitourinary Problem Relief 1.00 1
Skin Problem Relief 1.00 1
Hypoglycemia Relief 1.00 1

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Displaying 1-4 of 4 ratings and reviews.

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