Fibromyalgia Symptoms
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Leading All-in-One Fibromyalgia Treatments (Short List)
1. fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Drg_Marijuana', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', 'Marijuana', 2, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); (111) | | 7.41 | fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Review', 'cf', 2, 'zzz', ' ', 4, 1, '', 't', '98', '', '', '', ''); | 2. fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Sup_5-HTP', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', '5-HTP', 2, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); (7) | | 7.06 | fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Review', 'cf', 2, 'zzz', ' ', 4, 1, '', 't', '54', '', '', '', ''); | 3. fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Thp_Recuperat-ion', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', 'Recuperat-ion', 2, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); (11) | | 6.85 | fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Review', 'cf', 2, 'zzz', ' ', 4, 1, '', 't', '87', '', '', '', ''); | 4. fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Thp_DryNeedle', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', 'Dry Needle Trigger Point Release', 2, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); (8) | | 6.57 | fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Review', 'cf', 2, 'zzz', ' ', 4, 1, '', 't', '76', '', '', '', ''); | 5. fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Thp_Myers_Cocktail', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', 'Myers Cocktail', 2, 1, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); (7) | | 6.56 | fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'Review', 'cf', 2, 'zzz', ' ', 4, 1, '', 't', '78', '', '', '', ''); |
See Entire List (of All-In-One Fibromyalgia Treatments)
Treatments and how they rate Symptom-by-Symptom Best Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief Therapies Best Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Relief Therapies Best Energy / Mental Clarity Therapies Best Sleep Therapies Best IBS Therapies Best Genitourinary Problem Therapies Best Skin Problem Therapies Best Hypoglycemia Therapies Best Depression Therapies
Treatments and how they rate in terms of Practicality Best Therapies without Side Effects Most Convenient Therapies Most Cost Beneficial Therapies
Fibromyalgia Symptoms:
Widespread pain and stiffness anywhere in the body. The pain can be anything from a dull type of pain to a sharp and intense kind of pain. The pain can be in joints, muscles, tendons, or even one's face. The tender painful places (sensitive to touch) are referred to as tender point pain. While the painful places that hurt when pressed are referred to as trigger point pain.
Brain Fog, Fatigue, and Irritability Lack of mental focus, extreme lack of energy (chronic fatigue), headaches, and dizziness.
Insomnia Disturbed sleep (never getting a good night's sleep), and waking up at night.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diarrhea, gas pains, and bloating.
Genitourinary Problems such as vulvar pain, vaginal cramps, vulvitis, painful intercourse, and burning discharge.
Skin & Nail Problems such as rashes, itchiness, inflammed skin, and brittle nails.
Hypoglycemia After eating a big carbohydrate meal, the symptoms are panic attacks, a rapid heartbeat, and faiting.
Depression A sense of hopelessness because of the pure misery and thoughts of not getting better.
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fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'TellUs', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', 'Treatment not listed? Tell us the Treatment & review it', 2, 1, '', 'typ', 't', '', '', '', ''); fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'TellUs', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', 'Drug not listed? Tell us the Drug & review it', 2, 1, '', 'typ', 'd', '', '', '', ''); fib_nav(1, 1, '', 'fibromyalgia-reviews', 'co', 1, '', 2, 'TellUs', 'cf', 1, 'zzz', 'Supplement not listed? Tell us the Supplement & review it', 2, 1, '', 'typ', 's', '', '', '', ''); |